Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Happened to Stark Industries?

Since he took over as Director of Shield, there is something I’ve been wondering about the Iron Man titles: where is Stark Industries? I honestly can’t say the last time I even heard this mentioned in one of the books was.

I understand that being the director of Shield isn’t a paltry job, but Tony always ran his company and was directly involved in much of it. But now Stark Industries seems like it has just disappeared. Sure we see Stark Tower all the time, but how often anything that actually does on there?

Since he took over as head of Shield I’ve been feeling a bit disconnect from the character, in the sense that something just seemed off. Other than the whole Biased Political Commentary (a.k.a. Civil War) fiasco things with Stark just haven't seemed right. And while its not one single thing, I think this is a good chunk of it.

Stark was always at his company, be it Industries, Enterprises or Solutions, and it was always a priority to him, especially because he cared for the people under him. Now it’s like it’s not even on his radar, and only heard in passing. I miss the days of Bob & Dave and Kaminski where we got a healthy dose of the company along with the hero.

With the Director of Shield title ending, I think we are going to see Stark returning to his company and Shield back in the hands of Nick Fury. But only time will tell.

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