Monday, March 3, 2008

New Iron Man Trailer

Last week on Lost a new trailer for the Iron Man movie was released. Before this trailer there was some growing skepticism about the amount of action that would be in the movie. Much of what we had seen in the previous two or three trailers contained much plot with character development, background story and creation of the armors. If you pay enough attention to how movies play out based on their trailers, things were starting to point to a lot of story with not a lot of action.

With the release of the new trailer though, there seems to be quite a bit action that will be involved. We knew there was a battle when Stark escapes his captors, and the inevitable end battle between Iron Man and Iron Monger, so it was really the parts in between that were a question. With a recent showing of IM destroying a tank with a missile, and the tests of the Mark II things point to action in the middle segments of the movie.

As for the trailer itself it was a thing of beauty. Containing scenes mostly not seen yet we saw more about the testing of the suits plus some other glimpses of the armory. It was quite impressive to say the least, and the CGI was looking good.

Some of the excitement for the movie was seeming to die down, but this new trailer really got people pumped up again. We’ve got less than two months until we get the movie e have patiently waited a decade for. I’m sure I’m not the only one who cant wait until its release.

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