Monday, February 11, 2008

New Monthly Iron Man Series on the Way!!!

It was announced today by Marvel that a new monthly series for good old Shellhead will be starting, going under the name of The Invincible Iron Man (which is what it should have always been but I digress).

The series will be written by Matt Fraction who worked on Iron Fist and drawn by long time Marvel artist Salvador Larrocca (who I think is a rather good artist). There aren’t a whole lot of details at the moment other than it what I’ve mentioned and it will debut in May to coincide with the movies release. It seems to be a supplement for the regular Director of Shield series and judging by the title would probably focus more on everything outside of Shield (you know, like it used to be… damnit there I go again!)

You can get more information here ate the article plus some preview art.

Also, Marvel has announced that this week will be Iron Man week at Marvel.

I have to say this comes as a pleasant surprise. You have to wonder how popular Iron man has truly gotten. I say this because it’s not clear whether IM has actually become popular enough to hold two titles of his own, a first for him (outside of “parallel” series like Marvel Adventures or Marvel Action Hour excluded) or Marvel is trying to soak up every little bit of revenue from his surge in popularity along with the hype for the film? I guess only time will reveal the answer to us common folks as we will know if one of the series is cancelled, but for now it is good to see a second title coming to our favorite character.

Lastly, please read the post below. I normally do one post a week, but I posted the Civil War article before this announcement was made. It was an article I put a good bit of thought and time into so please take the time to read it and comment if you wish.

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