Monday, July 6, 2009

Captain America Returns

Starting this month with Captain America: Reborn, Marvel will bringing back the star spangled avenger. Raise your hand if you're surprised?

No one?

Me neither.

Despite their best poker faces and vehemently denying he would be returning, the original Captain America, Steve Rogers is returning. Marvel did their best to try and make it look like he was gone forever but no one believed it. How could they? Given Marvel's predictability, not to mention the fact that Cap is one of their most popular characters, his return was inevitable.

Now things about the story have leaked, including how he didn't die. Yes, it's a spoiler, but it also may save you the $3.99 the book costs. Apparently, Cap never died, he's just lost in time.

Now this is more original than the "he never really died" and the whole super soldier serum putting him in suspended animation that everyone was expecting, but sadly, it's lamer.

Lost in time? Really? I'll take the predictable yet plausible one instead of the corny "let's try to impress readers" angle.

And I'm sure he's coming back just in time to rally the heroes to expose and take down Norman Osborn and end Dark Lame, err, Dark Reign. When it's over Cap's return will be heralded, he will be blessed as a savior for ending the reign of the villains and Iron Man will get blamed for it all again.

Don't lie, you know you can see Marvel stretching just so they can have Iron Man take the fall for the fourth event in a row.

Speaking of that, has Dark Reign started yet? For all the talk about the villains being in charge, all we've seen is Norman Osborn do a bunch of interviews. This is actually a good idea, why aren't they doing anything with it?

So yeah, Caps back with a lame ass reason why. Did Marvel really expect anyone to get excited over possibly the most obvious thing they have ever done?


Peter Welmerink said...

I like the fact they are bringing (or have) brought Steve Rogers back, though I have begun to like Barnes as the modern Cap (Rogers is Classic Cap...ahahaha). But I am sure when I read all about it, how he comes back, I will probably roll my eyes.

What I would expect to read (and I haven't picked up recent comics yet so that is why I may have no clue as of yet)is that when Cap was shot, he didn't die, didn't give up the ghost, but they preserved him somehow, again the ole suspended animation thing, until his system could re-generate ( he's has Wolverine's powers) and he could come back into everyone's life.

What they ought to do is have Cap and Iron Man get together, re-concile their differences, team up and get out there and kick ass. If marvel don't write it, I may write a story and sub it to ADVANCED IRON. :)

Chaos said...

Well you should probably write it for Advanced Iron because I dont Marvel is going to give any credit to Iron Man. He's been crapped on for three years running, including Marvel going out of their way to do it, and I dont see them giving him any kind of good exposure anytime soon.