For lack of a better name, we'll just call it the Chaos armor. As you can tell at first glance it was influenced by the Heroes Reborn Prometheum armor with the smoke stacks and the leg attachments and also the modular armor with the more streamlined look and lack of mouth. Though it may look like I went purely for aesthetics, the big parts do have functions.
The armor is meant to be modular, able to swap out systems like boots and gauntlets, plus the shoulder armor and back pack could be removed for different units.
The leg attachments as you can see have straps to hold them on, they are actually battery units for extra power. Think of them as bigger versions of the disks the Classic armor had on the hips. They were completely optional and could be discarded with ease.
Much the same manner was the backpack, which was also a power generator and had its own thrusters for extra speed.
The shoulders (whose design actually came form the Wing Zero Gundam mecha) are three separate thermocouple units for extra energy conversion. While in flight the two lower segments lift up into the top one for greater aerodynamic stability.
The uni-beam, well that was pure aesthetics there. I was going for something different and thought the straps would look good there. The gauntlets have overhangs above the hands and elbows for protection, plus giving en elbow would hurt a lot more with that thing.
But yeah, that's an old design I came up with but always liked. Not every one's cup of tea I know, and admittedly I would do some things different now, but all in all I am proud of the design.
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